Term: Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT)
5 found
National Education Inspectorate (NEI) News feed

Ministry Places Full GSAT Cohort In High Schools - Says Zoning Inevitable

Posted on 6/6/2018
Education Minister Senator Ruel Reid has said that, from a policy standpoint, zoning of secondary schools was inevitable and should begin to take shape within another 10 years.
education in Jamaica
Education Minister Senator Ruel Reid
Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT)
GSAT Results
zoning system

Students Receive Cash Awards from MSET

Posted on 9/5/2016

The Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology (MSET) has awarded more than $100,000 in cash to 15 Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT), Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) students.

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)
Energy and Technology
Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT)
Ministry of Science
Ms. Hillary Alexander
Permanent Secretary

Foster Child Looks Forward to High School

Posted on 7/14/2016

Twelve-year-old Shannel* is looking forward to the new school year, when she will embark on a new chapter of her life at Mount Alvernia High School in St. James.

child development agency
Foster Child
Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT)
Living In Family Environment (L.I.F.E) programme
Looks Forward to High School
Mount Alvernia High School
St. James

Glowing Well

Posted on 7/6/2016

Glowell Preparatory had much to celebrate at its recent prize-giving. In addition to students who excelled academically in each grade cohort, the 20 students who sat the Grade Six Achievement Test in March were all placed at traditional high schools. ...

Gloria Jack
Glowell Prepartory
Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT)
ormer education officer and founding principal
St. Catherine

Gov’t to Facilitate Holistic Development of Children

Posted on 6/20/2016

The Government plans to undertake strategies designed to facilitate the holistic development of children up to age three. These engagements, inclusive of an early stimulation programme, aim to provide interventions, where needed, to adequately prepare infants for learning, beginning at early childhood institutions.

early childhood institutions
Government of Jamaica
Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT)
Programme of Advancement through Health and Education
Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid
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