SINCE she has ‘known herself’, Shanice Sinclair has been focused on making money. For starters, she comes from a family of entrepreneurs — her mother owned a catering company, while her aunt operated two nurseries. She remembers org ...
Principal of the Petersfield High School in Westmoreland, Clyde Evans has been left overwhelmed following the fulfillment of a dream of his staff and his, to have the school’s main computer lab refurbished.
Fifty-two university students are working at the three West Indies Alumina Company (Windalco) locations this summer as part of the company’s summer employment programme.
Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, is urging secondary school principals to ensure that the cost of registration packages are in keeping with the Ministry’s funding guidelines.
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information indicates that it has received applications from over 70 training institutions that are interested in accommodating students for the expanded Career Advancement Programme (CAP).